The Change Reaction’s revolutionary approach to giving amplifies caseworkers’ passion to help, allowing them to become real Change Agents who fully realize their mission in ways never before possible. Current partner organizations are listed below. For more information, please contact Wade Trimmer at wtrimmer@changereaction.org or (818) 922-2900.


A New Way of Life Reentry Project
Homeboy Industries
Mass Liberation
Contact us to nominate a organization to become a Change Reaction Partner.
A New Way of Life Reentry Project

A New Way of Life Reentry Project's mission is to advance multi-dimensional solutions to the effects of incarceration. They provide housing and support for formerly incarcerated women for successful community reentry, family reunification, and individual healing, they work to restore the civil rights of formerly incarcerated people, and they empower, organize, and mobilize formerly incarcerated people as advocates for social change and personal transformation.  

Homeboy Industries

Homeboy Industries provides hope, training, and support to formerly gang-involved and previously incarcerated men and women allowing them to redirect their lives and become contributing members of our community. Each year over 10,000 former gang members from across Los Angeles come through Homeboy Industries’ doors in an effort to make a positive change. They are welcomed into a community of mutual kinship, love, and a wide variety of services ranging from tattoo removal to anger management and parenting classes.

Mass Liberation

Mass Liberation seeks to empower individuals returning to society after serving time in prison or jail by assisting with practical needs and helping Returning Citizens to find joy in participating in community and serving others.