The Change Reaction’s revolutionary approach to giving amplifies caseworkers’ passion to help, allowing them to become real Change Agents who fully realize their mission in ways never before possible. Current partner organizations are listed below. For more information, please contact Wade Trimmer at wtrimmer@changereaction.org or (818) 922-2900.
Children’s Law Center of California (CLC) is a non profit, public interest law firm that provides legal representation for tens of thousands of children impacted by abuse and neglect. They provide an unparalleled level of expertise in and out of the courtroom. Their highly skilled, passionate and committed attorneys, investigators, and support staff fight to ensure the well-being and future success of our clients through a multi-disciplinary, independent and informed approach to advocacy.
Each year NLSLA provides free assistance to more than 150,000 individuals and families through innovative projects that expand access to justice and address the most critical needs of people living in poverty throughout Los Angeles. At NLSLA, they see the law as a powerful tool to fight for individual rights and social change. Their work aims to unravel entrenched disparities that have resulted from longstanding injustice, systemic racism and institutionalized inequality.
Public Counsel is the nation's largest not-for-profit law firm specializing in delivering pro bono legal services. Public Counsel strives to achieve three main goals: protecting the legal rights of disadvantaged children; representing immigrants who have been the victims of torture, persecution, domestic violence, trafficking, and other crimes; and fostering economic justice by providing individuals and institutions in underserved communities with access to quality legal representation.