The Change Reaction’s revolutionary approach to giving amplifies caseworkers’ passion to help, allowing them to become real Change Agents who fully realize their mission in ways never before possible. Current partner organizations are listed below. For more information, please contact Wade Trimmer at wtrimmer@changereaction.org or (818) 922-2900.
The Downtown Women’s Center is the only organization in Los Angeles focused exclusively on serving and empowering women experiencing homelessness and formerly homeless women through housing, wellness, employment, and advocacy.
Elizabeth House’s mission is to empower pregnant and parenting women in need to reclaim their lives and build successful family legacies. They take a trauma-informed approach and address physical, emotional, spiritual, and economic needs in both women and their children
Empower Her Network collaborates with ready survivors of human trafficking who find themselves in the same vulnerable circumstance that led to their initial exploitation by removing housing barriers, financing education, and uncovering employment opportunities.
Positive Results Center addresses trauma from a cultural and age perspective, creating awareness to prevent and end teen dating, domestic and interpersonal violence, sexual assault, bullying, sex trafficking, and their impact and source through workshops on healthy relationships and leadership development.
At Qualified they unearth dormant dreams and activate occupational purpose. Their dedicated volunteers and expert staff are committed to guiding our participants towards the future of their dreams. Qualified's dream is to create a world in which every survivor lives out her inherent purpose, changing the trajectory of future generations.
Runaway Girl is a California Social Purpose Corporation, with a dual charitable purpose. When they make business decisions their bottom line looks more like a circle. Runaway Girl’s reason for existing is to find a sustainable balance between making a return and making a positive impact. They do this by creating career development and employment opportunities for runaway, former runaway, and homeless youth
Saving Innocence serves, empowers, and advocates for child victims of sex trafficking. They further commits to every individual who needs help by providing long term advocacy and case management along with all the tools they will need for survival.
Treasure’s mission is to equip and empower women in the sex industry and survivors of trafficking to live healthy, flourishing lives and train others across the globe to do the same in their cities.