The Change Reaction’s revolutionary approach to giving amplifies caseworkers’ passion to help, allowing them to become real Change Agents who fully realize their mission in ways never before possible. Current partner organizations are listed below. For more information, please contact Wade Trimmer at wtrimmer@changereaction.org or (818) 922-2900.


Foundation for Women Warriors
Jewish Friends of the American Military
No One Left Behind
Veterans Exploring Treatment Solutions
Village for Vets
Foundation for Women Warriors

At Foundation for Women Warriors, they believe in honoring the service of our women veterans by empowering their future. Their mission is to serve women veterans and their children so that their next mission is clear and continues to impact the world. Their services are hands up, not handouts, empowering women warriors to navigate life's obstacles and make successful transitions from service to civilian life. 

Jewish Friends of the American Military

Jewish Friends of the American Military (JFAM) is a non-political, non-military organization that provides for wellbeing of the soldiers of the Jewish soliders in the United States Military, veterans and family members. Their mission is to offer educational, cultural, recreational, and social programs and facilites that provide hope, purpose, and life-changing support for the soldiers who protect the United States of America and Jews worldwide. 


JVS SoCal’s mission is to empower individuals to achieve dignity and economic independence through sustainable employment. 

No One Left Behind

No One Left Behind is the only nation-wide association of wartime allies in the US dedicated to ensuring that America keeps its promise to our interpreters from Iraq and Afghanistan. These brave men and women served right alongside US military and government personnel, and in many cases, directly saved American lives.

Veterans Exploring Treatment Solutions

Veterans Exploring Treatment Solutions (VETS) provides resources, research, and advocacy to improve the quality of life for U.S. combat veterans and their families. VETS intends to change the landscape of Veteran healthcare by finding meaningful, alternative solutions for mild traumatic brain injury (mTBI) and post-traumatic stress (PTS).

Village for Vets

Village for Vets fills critical gaps in key services for homeless and at-risk veterans in greater Los Angeles. Through programs providing meals, emergency grants, support for basic needs, social support, and links to additional services, Village for Vets helps ensure Los Angeles’ homeless and at-risk veterans don’t fall through the cracks.